Wednesday, October 4, 2017

The four Horsemen C-130 Aerobatic team

Found this great video on the C-130 Aerobatic.  The video is from the early 1960.  Some amazing flying.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

C-133 Pictures

This page is dedicated to "Bondo" Phil Brandt.  Bondo was a great modeler that was a Navigator in the USAF.  He flew C-124, C-133 and F-111.   The C-133 was his favorite.  He model can be found on Hyperscale.  Phil pasted away on Saturday November 3, 2012 while in Germany with his wife Cindy celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary

Bondo's C-133 model review:Anigrand C-133

Phil Brandt

Phil Brandt, age 63; born Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1938, oldest of five children (four out of the five have entered the Air Force, and three of us have retired from same, my younger brother as a full colonel, SEA veteran, and tactical wing commander). Maternal grandparents immigrated in late 1800s from East Prussia (E. Konigsberg). College: Princeton University, Class of 1960, majoring in Chemistry. Entered USAF as 2/lt in 1962 as communications officer. Attended Nav. school 1966; MAC worldwide navigator in C-124s and C-133As from 1967-1970. Switched to being a WSO in RF-4Cs (Mt. Home, Shaw AFB '70-'73); then switched to F-111As (Nellis, Mt. Home '73-'82) ; numbered air force (12AF) staff officer until retirement in the rank of major in 1984, in Austin, Texas. Worked next fifteen years for IBM as a hardware technical writer. Retired from IBM in 1999. Hobbies besides plastic models are: collecting and restoring Chevrolet Corvairs (have owned 17 since 1966!) and Oldsmobile Toronados (have owned five). Currently restoring my 1985 31' Winnebago motorhome. First wife died 1981at age 41; remarried in Texas 1982. Wife is retired high school mathematics teacher. Three sons from first marriage, 37, 35, 31all work in computer industry in Austin. Five grandchildren.
Nickname "Bondo" coined three years ago by friend Mike West of Lone Star Models in Houston, who noticed that I always seem to undertake difficult, ill-fitting models, that need lots of "Bondo" putty!

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Muroc models

Muroc make some great conversions.  But they are hard to find and buy.   This company makes great conversion to make an early F-8C.  Here is a link to a pdf catalog with a contact email.

Muroc models

1/48 scale

1/48 scale for Hasegawa F-8

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Toledo Region 4 Contest 9 Sep 2017

The event was held at the Liberty Air Museum in Port Clinton, Ohio.   The display area was very nice.  Only problem was that the turn out was very small.  Not many models on display. I remember in the past that this Con was always packed with models.  Hope that next there is a better turn out.  Now for the pictures.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

P-38 A personal Story

I always loved the P-38.  To me growing in the 50' & 60's it was graceful looking aircraft.  The first time I was the aircraft was a painting in my neighbors home.  His name was Ted Lettus.  I asked him what airplane that was Ted said " Why that is a P-38."   That was the start of a love fair with this Twin Boomed wonder.   Also Ted was a model builder.   His wife worked at the library at Six mile and Schoenherr in Detroit.   There Ted had the monogram Ford Tr-Motor model on display.

Enough of my childhood...   Here is the video on the P-38

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Modeling the 191st FIG last fighter F-16ADF

Currently I working a 1/72 hasegawa F-16ADF in 191st Markings.  The F-16 was the unit last fighter after being in the Air Defense business since the early 1970.   The unit when from RF-101 to F-106.  After they got the F-4C to be followed by F-4D's.   In the around 1989 we got F-16A from Moody AFB.  These aircraft where USAF own aircraft that became ANG fighter.   Around 1994 we had been phased out of the Air Defense as President Clinton decide the Soviets where no longer the bad guys.

Here are some picture of the decals and the aircraft.

Doug Kerchner Pilot

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

A-4's out of Chu Lai , RVN

Found this on facebook.  These are picture taking by Marty Halpin and Jonny Plumb.  Hat off to Marty and thanks for your service in Vietnam.  I know a lot of ground pounders where happy to your A-4's

Marty Halpin

Jonny Plumb photo