Saturday, September 12, 2020

Check out this blog. Da Nang Air Base.

 Richard blog is pull of great pictures. He had taken this picture during his time in the USAF at Da Nang 1965-66.  Amazing picture of the airfield being constructed and all the early war aircraft.  The only place to see them is on the blog Da Nang AFB

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Check out this great blog.

 A fellow aviation enthusiast who follows my blog put me on to this great blog. Take a look..

Sky Tamer. 

C-54 from the 50's and 60's

 I would call the 50's and 6'd the heydays of the USAF.  The aircraft had colorful markings.  THe C-54 cruised the world delivering cargo all over the world.   To the arctic, Greenland, Europe, South American, Anti Arctic and all over Asia.  


Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Awesome pictures of the RCAF

 The color photos are just amazing.  The 50 and 60's where the hay day of colorful aircraft.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Mike Ashley's modeling tips

 Now talk about a breathe of fresh air..  No ego, just straight modeling tips.  Mike has published modeling guides and now a video series.   The series is not bad.   But you decide for your self.  Here is video number one.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

How to make 400 gal A4 tanks

 Here is a simple quick fix to my your wing tanks look good,

IPMS Canada "Buzz Beurling Scale Modelers.

 Found this great Canadian Modeling site.   IPMS "Buzz: Beurling Scale Modelers". The site is a wealth of model tips and information on the RCAF,  

Take a look here: The Buzz Beurling Scale Modelers

About IPMS "Buzz" Beurling

We are one of several model clubs in and around Toronto, and one of two IPMS/Canada chapters (strangely enough, the other one is called "IPMS Toronto"). [For those of you from south of the border, or who are just interested, here is a link to the IPMS/USA web page.]

After some thought during the initial meeting, back in 1976, and since the name "IPMS Toronto" was already taken, it was decided to name the chapter after "Buzz" Beurling, a Canadian fighter pilot and ace, during the Second World War.

After a hiatus from the IPMS Canada fold for a number of years, the club has, again, rejoined IPMS Canada as a chapter.

Although a elatively small group, the chapter does keep busy with appearances at annual displays, and helping to sponser model competitions. Membership isn't confined to the Toronto-area. Several members come from well outside the Toronto boundries.

Our monthly meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday. Dave Brown, of Hornet Hobbies, has been kind enough to offer us room to meet in his store, where we can hold i the meetings - having meetings IN a hobby store is great, but can provide temptation to devate from one's current project...

``Buzz'' meetings are about as informal as you will find. We typically bring along something to build (or make Dave happy by picking up something from the store shelves), or just plain chat about models.

At some point, during the day, we manage to cover any chapter matters (like how's the weather, and what shade of plastic tastes best...), but most importantly, just enjoy each other's company, while doing a little modeling.

If you're in the area, we invite you to drop in and see what we're about!

For more information on the club, including annual dues, joining, and where to meet, you can email :