Sunday, November 8, 2020

YC-97 1/72 conversion Airmodel kit by Carmel Attard

 This is basically the Airmodel kit No 185 in 1/72 scale molded in white soft styrene. The cockpit canopy and also the refueling bulging aft gondola are in clear vac form acetate. For this conversion the bulging aft gondola is not required. I did not go for any of the liveries suggested as these depicted a later type that went into service as a refueling tanker but instead went for a YC-97, a prototype/early version known as Stratofreighter serial number 595588. The rest of kit parts come from a surplus Flying Fortress B-29 Airfix kit, which shared identical parts. Propellers I cast in aluminium alloy, and for undercarriage legs I used SAC set No 72013 which is sturdier than the Airfix kit parts.

The high tail fin and rudder were cut from the Airmodel vac fuselage as this was that of later version found on KC-97 and was replaced with one from the Airfix B-29, this time using super glue for a firm joint. Area was smoothened with filler. Reference was made to scale plans located in Aircraft of the Fighting Powers. The rest of kit assembly followed that of the Airfix instructions.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

YA-7F advanced model

A missed opportunity.  This would  been a cheap attack aircraft with an proven airframe.  Not the money people wanted a new toy.  All the A-7 ended up in the boneyard to rot away.


Thursday, October 29, 2020


 Two P-51D-15-NA Mustangs of the 82nd Fighter Squadron, 78th Fighter Group, sit in alphabetical order within their blast pen at Station # 357 Duxford.

In the foreground is 44-15469 MX-J “Bucephalus” of Lt. William E Hydorn and named after the famous war horse of Alexander the Great. The photo is obviously taken before 9th February 1945 as on that day, Lt. Hydorn managed to shoot down an Me262 air-air, and the victory marking is not yet applied. In the background is 44-15574 MX-I of Lt. Wayne F Bechtelheimer who did not name his Mustang.

The man painting the nose-art onto “Bucephalus” was responsible for doing the nose-art a huge number of 78th aircraft from the unit throughout the war. Thought to have been a sign-writer prior to the war, he had very distinctive lettering style and quality of workmanship. He painted the now iconic P-51D 'Big Beautiful Doll' nose-art that was flown famously by Col. John Landers, but others include 'Frances Dell', 'Eileen', 'Sweet & Lovely', 'Spokane Chief', 'Sherman Was Right !', 'Sabotage Jr', 'Barbara Ann', 'Percey', 'The Green Hornet', 'Flagari', 'Darkie', 'Bad Medicine', 'Isabel', 'Screaming Demon', 'Contrary Mary' name but a few!

This might be the only photo that exists of this wonderful artist actually applying his trade on yet another 78th FG aircraft, but sadly, no-one currently alive from group can remember who he was, and find that extremely sad!

Note the Gray star and bar.  Wonder if this was the pilot or crew chief choice to paint it gray.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Article on the B-26K Invader from the IPMS Journal

 This article a pretty good one.  It is an old IPMS journal article just on the "K".   As most everyone knows this aircraft had gone through upgrades to service in Vietnam.  The wing spare was reinforced. Plus addition hard points on the wing and new internal wing tanks. Mike Byers did an outstanding job and bringing all the information together for this article.