Wednesday, October 12, 2022

BF-110 side views.

 Looks like I'm going to be on a BF-110 kick over the next few days. I have always had a weak spot for the fighter.  Specially all the night fighter version.   Lets get started shall we.

Monday, October 10, 2022

1/32 F-100D trumpter kit

Amazing build, unfortunately I miss placed the modeler name who built the kit. I wish my skills where as good a his.




Friday, September 30, 2022

New items from AIM


Future products - decals and PE at the printers. i will advertise when available and when I know prices
32P040 Ju 88 A-0
Ju 88 A-0 conversion with four bladed spinners and two additional prop blades and 2x decal options for the Revell Ju 88 A-1 kit - perhaps the most straight-forward conversion ever!
Interior and Exterior combined PE details for the Italeri / Revell 1/72 Do 24 (limited availability )

Sunday, September 25, 2022

A-5C Fantan by Jamie Mcintyre

 Jamie is a fellow modeller from Austrialia.   Is the modeller that sent my some great decals he creates. If you need custom decal Jamie is your guy,

The A-5C is the latest model Jamie is building.  Here is what he said about the model. national markings will be from the spares box but serials home-made, inspiration was Tom Cooper's African MiGs Vol 2. 

Thursday, September 22, 2022

127Th ANG F-100

 Nice photo of  a F-100 in front of base ops.  The crew chief was Dean Larson. He just passed away in September of 2022

Dean Larson.

A video on how design model partd.

 Found this video interesting on using MOI software to recreate aircraft parts.  .

The modeling software can be found here. MOI 3d cad

New decals from AIMs for the JU 88

 Looks like the only place you can mail order these are from Hannants in the UK. Hannants is a greayt company to deal. They service for customer is outstanding,

John of AIMS is stilling creating great decals and conversation parts. Unfortunately for how long I not sure. He has a disease the is effect his joints.  It is only a matter of time he will not be able to create his line of  German aircraft parts.

Here is Johns latest creations.

This conversion is for the dragon? revell JU-88 kit