Friday, April 23, 2021

Nike site around the US

 Here is a great link to Nike sites around the U.S,   Ed's Nike Missle web site

Growing up it Detroit I remember seeing all the missile site around the city.  At that age I didnt have clue why they where all around the city. 

1 comment:

  1. Gary

    I knew about a lot of these sites myself. I remembered when they were gone and the only thing left was the fencing. I get the same feeling when I went by the housing along Sugar Bush Rd. yesterday It was there filled with one level housing even when it was only just the roads there it was in my mind; eyes until they finally tore it down for the Mich Veterans Home assisted living that's going in there now. Now it just looks like somethings missing ? The same for the large lagoon next to I-94 that's now just grass. Do those areas look weird to you now after being gone for so long?
    I saw this web site a while ago, don't know why I looked at it even then. I remembered what the areas looked like when they were there instead of just an open desolate area as now. Although most of those area have been refilled or repurposed. The one that really surprised me was that was one at Short Cut Road & Starville Rd. If ever there was a remote location it had to be this one. Until I saw it listed I didn't even know that there was a location with those names that existed even now.

    John M
